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Clara Casas Acuna

Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Clara Casas Acuna - Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Clara Casas Acuna DVM MRCVS Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine

Clara graduated from Cordoba University, Spain, in 2016. She worked in first opinion for a year until becoming a rotating intern in Catholic University of Valencia from 2018 to 2019.

In 2019 Clara moved to United Kingdom where she worked in the south of London until joining Pride Veterinary Referrals in 2021 as an intern within the Internal Medicine Department. Clara is currently in her second year of her Medicine residency. 


Casas C., Dye C. ‘Caecocolic intussusception in a cat without underlying disease’ Poster presentation, BSAVA Congress. March 2023, Manchester, United Kingdom. 

Casas C., Dye C. ‘ Comparison of Doppler ultrasonic and SunTech oscillometric devices for non-invasive blood pressure measurement in conscious cats’ Oral communication, BSAVA Congress. March 2022, Manchester, United Kingdom. 

Casas C., Fernández N. ‘Extrahepatic Biliary Surgery in Small Animals’. Revista Consultas, 2021.  

Casas C., Carbonell L., Ravera I. ‘Hypothyroidism in a black jackal (Canis Mesomelas)’ Poster presentation, XVIII National Congress AVEPA-GTA. April 2019, Zaragoza, Spain.